Interactive World Map 🌍

Enter the languages you speak below to see with how many parts of the world you can communicate:

Your Results:

Share your language map and results with the world by taking a snapshot:

Click here to take a snapshot of the map

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You can speak language.

You can communicate with people.

To put this into context, this is of the world population.

You can easily travel to over countries.

To put this into context, this is of all the countries worldwide.

You can speak one of the most useful languages: .

Another useful language to learn - that is widely spoken - would be .

Celebrities That Speak The Same Number Of Languages As You:

Last updated: 11th of August 2023


[1] Population Data World Bank:
[2] 2022 - EF English Proficiency Index:
[3] 2023 - Crime Index Numbeo:
[4] United States Census Bureau - Bilingualism:
[5] Preply Survey - Bilingualism in 2022: US, UK & Global Statistics:
[6] 2023 - Cost of Living by Country Numbeo:

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